The Music & Booze Co. presents
Ant Gallery Debut Single Launch 'Dance to Graceland'
7:30pm, Sat 14 December, 2024
Bootleggers, NSW
with Kingdom Calm and Polly
I wrote Dance to Graceland about 2 years ago now. In Rozelle, in the Inner West of Sydney, in my tiny (tiny tiny) bedroom (that’s really a study & not a bedroom), sitting on grey carpeted floor in front of my blue fold-out couch-bed. Each time I’d finish a verse, I’d go across the hall into my sister’s room to play it for her.
The song came after the break-up of this very foundational four year relationship I’d been in. Oftentimes, after a hard experience, I can find it tricky to properly locate how I feel, or even what I feel. So ever since I started writing songs, I’ve turned to writing them as a form of emotional processing. From this, the song, in a way that is very true to me, isn’t really about a break-up. Instead, it’s like a journal entry of me trying to understand myself better; the decisions I’ve made; the way I view myself; how I talk to myself; the things I’m feeling (or more likely, not feeling); & towards the end of the song, it becomes this greater reflection of how I’ve learnt to shield & protect myself — & how I can move through the world more lightly despite this.

starts Fri 21 Feb 2025, 11.00pm
at Bootleggers, NSW

Blind Eliza 'Heliotrope' Launch Party
starts Sat 22 Feb 2025, 7.30pm
at Bootleggers, NSW

starts Fri 28 Feb 2025, 11.00pm
at Bootleggers, NSW

starts Fri 7 Mar 2025, 11.00pm
at Bootleggers, NSW